Joint, End of Session Virtual Town Hall
Friends, The 2023 legislative session is coming to a close. I’ll be sending out an in-depth update on where we’ve landed with the budget and my perspective on pressing policy issues, but I wanted to invite you to get some information at our upcoming virtual town hall. I’ll be holding...
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Muzzall garners nearly $30 million for district schools
The state Senate unveiled its proposal for the 2023-25 Capital Budget today. Hailed by negotiators as a record investment for housing, state Sen. Ron Muzzall is proud to have secured nearly $30 million for school districts who’ve struggled to get local resources for capital projects. Oak Harbor School District, whose...
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Muzzall maternity-support bills approved by Senate
House already taking action on lowering costs for maternal care OLYMPIA… The state Senate has now approved the final piece of legislation sponsored by Sen. Ron Muzzall focused on improving maternal supports. Part of a package, Senate Bill 5581 was approved in late February and is awaiting a public hearing...
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Muzzall fentanyl test strip bill gets unanimous vote
Opioid overdose deaths have been skyrocketing in Washington State. King County saw over 1,000 overdose deaths last year and 70% of the victims had fentanyl in their system. While legislators recently approved a measure to deal with drug possession and treatment, legislation sponsored by Sen. Ron Muzzall to help reduce...
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Help is on the way to clear derelict structures under Muzzall legislation
Who is responsible for cleaning up aquatic ruins like dilapidated piers or crumbling bulkheads? The state Department of Natural Resources is tasked with the job, but the process is still murky. Senate Bill 5433, sponsored by state Sen. Ron Muzzall, is focused on shoring up the program to keep state-owned...
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Senate approves Muzzall’s bill to expand unemployment for district workers
Today, the state Senate approved legislation sponsored by state Senator Ron Muzzall, R-Oak Harbor, aimed at helping dislocated workers in the 10th District. The bipartisan measure, Senate Bill 5621, would redefine dislocated workers for the purposes of unemployment insurance for the specific purpose of helping now jobless residents when the...
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Muzzall says drug possession fix a ‘step toward a solution’
The state Senate worked late into the evening this past Friday, struggling over a bipartisan compromise to state drug possession laws. In 2021, the state Supreme Court handed down its Blake decision, which ruled Washington’s felony drug possession law was unconstitutional. Since the Legislature was still in session, it approved...
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A Time for Voting
Greetings Friends, We’re now past the halfway mark of the 2023 legislative session and things have been busy. There was a series of deadlines over last several weeks that have significantly cut down the number of legislative proposals that could eventually make it to the governor’s desk. Over the past...
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A Parent’s Care
As seems to be the pattern with controversial and unpopular proposals, the legislative majority decided to pass Senate Bill 5599 late last night. If you haven’t been following, it’s legislation that purports to help at-risk youth suffering from mental distress, but in reality will only drive a wedge into hurting families. It’s...
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