Muzzall introduces maternity-support bills to ensure pregnant women have a real choice
While Democratic legislators advocate legislation that seems aimed at making Washington a destination for women seeking abortions, state Sen. Ron Muzzall has introduced two proposals aimed at aiding women who choose motherhood. Senate Bill 5580 would direct the state Health Care Authority to support extended post-delivery hospital care for women...
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Muzzall retains leadership position, garners new committee responsibilities
The 2023 legislative session is underway, and the Senate Republican Caucus recently held internal elections for caucus leadership positions and finalized assignments to standing committees. State Sen. Ron Muzzall was re-elected as the vice-chair of the caucus. Muzzall is tasked with helping preside at internal meetings of the caucus and...
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Muzzall seeks audit, investigation into housing money corruption
OLYMPIA… Seattle Times broke a story today about former Speaker of the House Frank Chopp personally interfering in the allocation of state housing investments, directing $2 million to a nonprofit that he started. Chopp argued that the funds weren’t being used appropriately with the King County Regional Housing Authority. With...
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Working for strong investments in housing, infrastructure, and mental health
The day before the Legislature is scheduled to adjourn, the state’s updated construction budget was unanimously approved, providing over $3 million for projects around the 10th District. Sen. Ron Muzzall, R-Oak Harbor worked to collaboratively secure funding for critical community projects and other investments in affordable housing, infrastructure. and mental...
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We need more salmon not more salmon conflict
Ensuring a robust salmon recovery has become a daunting and politicized task.The latest proposal championed by the Office of the Governor is an example of the bad practice of creating more conflict rather than offering real solutions. The legislation amounts to an unethical taking of private property that will do...
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Muzzall urges accountability at failure-plagued agency
Paid family leave program running out of cash There may be a COVID-baby boom, but expectant parents may be out of luck getting benefits they’ve paid for after news that the state agency managing the program is running out of money. The Employment Security Department, responsible for collection of the...
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Skagit legislators call out hypocrisy on salmon recovery proposal
Ensuring the robust recovery of salmon has become a daunting and politicized task. The latest policy proposal championed by the Office of the Governor is facing sharp criticisms from Skagit County-area lawmakers who view it as an unconstitutional taking of private property that will do nothing to aid the salmon...
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Ferry Town Hall
Greetings Friends and Neighbors, As you know, many communities in the 10th District are heavily dependent on the state’s ferry system. Recent reductions in sailings, especially on the Clinton-Mukilteo route, have led to unacceptable disruptions of service. I am hearing the frustration from constituents and am looking for answers. That...
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Joint statement on governor’s vaccination mandate for state employees and health care workers
Washington State Governor Jay Inslee recently announced that most state workers in Washington, as well as private health care and long-term care employees, will be required to show proof of a COVID-19 vaccination by Oct. 18, or lose their jobs. 10th District lawmakers Sen. Ron Muzzall, R-Whidbey Island, and Rep. Greg Gilday, R-Camano,...
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